Monday, July 09, 2007


Writer's Comment: This post is mostly for my own benefit, in order to vent out some frustrations. You can ignore it if you wish.

I am so sick and tired of all of the stupid little fights I've had lately with my mother. Nothing I ever do is good enough for her, including the way I deal with situations that affect myself and only myself, and have no bearing on her life whatsoever. As an example, I didn't get my birthday present from my dad until over a month afterward. This may sound bad, but he always, ALWAYS sends birthday and Christmas presents late. I've gotten used to it, it doesn't bother me. It's going to be the same no matter if I get it on my birthday or a month later. But because I didn't make a big deal about it, my mother flipped out and chewed me up and down because I didn't care that I hadn't gotten my present on my birthday. And it's not like he forgot my birthday. He called me on my birthday, my little sisters sang me happy birthday, which was more meaningful to me than the fifty dollars and the Starbucks gift card he sent. Now, granted, Mom could have been drinking the day we had that fight, which has apparently become the norm for her since she quit her job five years ago to "retire" at the ripe old age of 42.

This brings me to another problem. She complains that she doesn't have any money, but she won't get off her posterior and get a job. Her reason? She doesn't want to work in an office, and she doesn't want to get a job that might make her work on Saturdays or Sundays because she might miss a motorcycle run with the American Legion Riders of which she is a part of with my stepfather. These runs, by the way, cost money.

So instead, she spends most of her free time doing volunteer work for her Legion post, and the rest of the time drinking. And in the midst of complaining about not having money, she gripes at me about not having a job. Which I do have a job. It doesn't pay a whole lot, but at least I get paid for what I do. Unlike herself. She says at her age she shouldn't be struggling financially. At her age she should have a dadgum job! The retirement age isn't 42, the last time I checked.

And our last fight, which was today, oh this is a doozy. Let me set this up for you. My mother and stepfather went on a ride to Nashville this past weekend, and asked me to house sit to take care of their 2 dogs, cat, bird, and pig. Yes, I said pig. Anyway, they left Thursday, and that day I had been working on my spare bathroom, repainting and fixing it up. I went over that night to check on the animals, but didn't stay (they live 5 minutes away), instead going back home to work on the bathroom. I went over to the house the next morning at around 11 and took the dogs out and fed the pig. Well apparently this was the biggest sin man could ever commit, because when I told my mother this, she went ballistic. You would have thought I had killed the pig as a sacrifice to Baal and smeared the blood all over the walls of the house. Because I didn't feed the pig at her normal feeding time, which is 8 AM (I wouldn't have been up at that time had I stayed at their house anyway) I could have killed the pig. You can't see me, but I just rolled my eyes when typing that. And then the guilt trip began about how she does everything I ask her to help me with but she asks me to do one thing I don't do it. It was one, count them one, day that the pig had to wait a few extra hours for her food.

All this to say, once I get my music degree, I'm getting a degree in Computer Science, and then I'm moving out to Houston to be closer to my dad and my little sisters. I'm fed up with being blamed for all of her problems, financially, emotionally, etc. It's getting ridiculous, and I've had enough. I have to get away. Otherwise I'm going to be taken away to the nut house.


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