Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Quiz

3 Things you like about yourself:
1. I'm good with computers
2. I can cook
3. Um...that's it?

3 Things you hate about yourself:
1. I get paranoid when people whisper in front of me.
2. I procrastinate too much.
3. Sometimes I'm too shy.

3 Parts of your heritage:
1. French
2. Scottish
3. Cuban

3 Things that scare you:
1. Idiots who can't drive.
2. Losing a loved one.
3. Rollercoasters, but that's why they are so much fun.

3 of your everyday essentials:
1. Sandals
2. Trident Tropical Twist Gum
3. Mocha Frappuchino (summer) / Caramel Macchiatto (winter)

3 things you are wearing right now:
1. Clothes
2. Clothes
3. Clothes

3 of your favorite musical artists:
1. Mark Schultz
2. Rockapella
3. Frank Sinatra

3 of your favorite songs at present:
1. Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
2. Rockapella's version of Amazing Grace
3. The Show Must Go On - Queen

3 things you want to try in the next 12 months:
1. Go on a cruise
2. Blog more often
3. See Phantom of the Opera on stage

3 things you want in a relationship (besides Love)
1. Communication
2. Honesty
3. Trust

2 truths and a lie:
1. I'm lead singer for a praise and worship band called Thorns to Throne.
2. In the summer I get natural red highlights in my hair.
3. I drive a ferrari.

3 Physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. Smile
2. Eyes
3. I'll admit it, a nice butt.

3 of your favorite hobbies:
1. Chatting online
2. Listening to music
3. Playing Texas Hold'em

3 thing you want to do really badly right now:
1. See Kelly again
2. Go back to the mountains
3. Have the Prize Patrol show up at my door.

3. Careers you want
1. Children's Minister
2. Music Minister
3. High School or Elementary School Choir Director.

3 places you want to go on vacation:
1. Hawaii
2. Australia
3. Germany

3 kids names
1. Alannah, after my late niece
2. Michael Christopher, what my mom wanted to name me originally
3. Not really sure for the third

3 things you want to see before you die.
1. Sydney Opera House
2. A DCI competition in person
3. Better shows on TV

3 people who have to take this quiz or else:
1-3 Don't care.

1 comment:

Katie Mo said...

a nice butt, huh? ;) see ya later, gator.