Friday, December 31, 2004

Tis the season...

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was pretty good. I won't bore you with all the little things I got. My main presents were my cell phone (which I actually got in August) and my new 30 GB MP3 player. It's quite nice. Oh, and Dr. C., I got not one but two giftcards to Starbucks. Aren't you proud?

Now here are some pictures of interest:

BackYardSnow.jpg <-- The best picture out of all I took

CarSnow2.jpg <-- Proof of where I was

It actually snowed in Houston, Texas on Christmas Eve. It wasn't much, but it was still cool.

If you haven't already seen The Phantom of the Opera, you should. It's very good. I've seen it twice, and plan on seeing it yet again. Other movies I saw over the holidays: Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events and The Incredibles.

Unfortunate Events is a very strange movie, and really isn't appropriate for most children. It was good, if you like Tim Burtonesque type movies. The child actors were excellent in their performances, but the story was quite strange.

The Incredibles was a good movie. I would recommend seeing that one. There are some very funny one liner's in the movie.

I'm not really ready for school to start back. But I suppose I'll get over that once I see all my friends and such again.

Hope everyone has a great New Year!

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