Saturday, November 06, 2004

All the world's a stage...

And I've been thrown off it.

My weekend hasn't been very good so far. I think I'm slipping into another one of my mild depressions, usually brought on when I worry about things too much.

First, let me start out by saying that I hate my car. I hope they find out where the leak is coming from and fix it. I'm tired of having a swimming pool in my back seat everytime it rains. What's sad is that it's not the top that's leaking (I have a convertible) and the top is about to fall apart. The water's coming in from underneath the seat.

Second, I hate my bank. I deposited my paycheck yesterday morning, and now there's no record of my check being deposited, which caused me to overdraw on my account. They're researching whatever it is they research to find out what happened. If they don't find it, I'm not going to be a happy camper.

Third, I've got some pretty big things that I'm worried about that I won't go into. Let's just say that if I don't get some things straightened out, I'm going to be in deep.

I feel like I'm the verge of a nervous breakdown. Something's going to snap soon, and it's not going to be pretty.

1 comment:

Katie Mo said...

wow, long real posts! it's almost kinda weird. sorry to hear about your car! My weekend = no good also. For several reasons I won't bother to go into. oh well. Tuesday will be better! we get to talk about Jerry McCoy! hehe, he was so old and cute. and obviously thought we were the shiznit. which, ahem, we are. 'round these parts anyway, cowboy! :oP