Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Things are looking up

My paycheck has reappeared in my checking account. This makes me happy.

Also, with work, turns out I may be switching from hourly pay to salary and getting a raise (this isn't definite, just what one of my bosses has heard from a member of the personnel committe ((her husband))). This also makes me happy.

And, I finally told her how I feel, but she just wants to be friends, which is cool. She'll still be in my life in a good way, and that's all that matters, yes? I think so.

Oh, speech class today was fun. For our last test, we did it like a game show, and the team that won got an A and the team that lost got a B (still not bad, considering the teacher said most of us wouldn't have gotten a B on it anyway). My team won, which was cool. What wasn't cool was the other team getting upset, not because they lost, but because they were getting a B on the test. I would have been happy with the B, but then again I've always been happy with a B. Yes, A's are nice, but B's are still good. Better than an F, eh?

Still no word on my car. That sucks. But I get to drive my mom's car, which only has like 6000 miles on it, which is cool. And it's yellow. Which is also cool. I'll probably be driving it for awhile, since they're going to Boston next week and I'll be housesitting for them (again cool, because they have a big screen TV, digital cable, and a hot tub), and I always drive their cars while they're gone, as payment for watching the house.

Anyway, that's about all I've got for today. Adios muchachos.

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