Sunday, November 28, 2004


Well, it's finally happening. I'm getting a laptop. I've wanted a laptop since...well, for a really long time now.

I was looking at them at the Dell website, trying to see how much I would need to save per paycheck to get one, and I saw a thing where you could finance it, so I thought, what the heck, I'll try this. Now see, you have to understand I tried it before a few months ago and they turned me down due to "limited credit experience." This really frustrates me, because you can't get credit experience if NO ONE WILL GIVE YOU CREDIT! But, I decided to try again, and lo and behold, they approved me for $1500. To make a long story even longer, I picked out most of the features I wanted in my laptop (I couldn't get some cause they put me over $1500 on the price of the laptop), ordered it, and poof, it should be here hopefully sometime this week. The website says it's due to ship out Friday, but I don't believe that, because it's in the Testing phase of production right now, and I know it doesn't take a week to test a computer. That's just insane. So maybe it will be here on Friday. That would be nice.

Let's see, what else? Thanksgiving was ok. We went out to eat, because Mom had just gotten back from Boston, so she didn't feel like cooking. We went to a new restaurant over by Wal-Mart called Fire Mountain. If you've ever eaten at a Ryan's, you've eaten at Fire Mountain. Infact, Fire Mountain is actually owned by Ryan's, it just has a different name. Why? I don't know. It just does.

Oh, yeah. I have no heat in my house. It really bites. First, during the summer, the air conditioner didn't work. Now the heat doesn't work. I think when it got struck by lightening, a few years back, more damage was done than the repair man said. Either that, or we just need a new unit. I vote for the latter (later?).

School's almost out! Yay! I'll be glad when we're done with Christmas music in Concert Choir. No offense Dr. C (if you're reading this), but I'm a little tired of Gloria. I admit it's better than the Ceremony of Carols, but I'm just tired of doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...I think you get the picture. But I like the other Christmas stuff we're doing, especially Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I even took our choir arrangement and transcribed it for our church orchestra. But now I'm just talking to Dr. C, so I'm gonna get back on track.

Actually...I think that's it. It's a long post, I know, but I haven't posted in awhile, so I'm making up for it. Adios!


Unknown said...


Congrats on the laptop!

Chris R. said...

Update! I have heat again! Blessed, blessed heat!