Thursday, February 10, 2005

Choir Overload

I wonder if I experinced what I'd like to call a "choir overload" this morning. Let me elaborate.

At 4 am this morning, I woke up singing Richte Mich Gott in my head. Once I finally got that out of my head, I started singing one of the songs we're working on in children's choir at church. Once that song got out of my head, it was Redz Kur. This process kept going on for about two hours. It was rather annoying, because I value my sleep. It also didn't help that I had about twenty things running through my head involving work either. I hate nights like that.

Oh, speaking of work, if anyone has a fly rod or a really really really tall ladder that we could borrow to get something down from the ceiling in the old sanctuary, I'd appreciate it.

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