Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I need a life

Topic says it all. I have no life. I'm either at school, at home, or at work/church.

And I have a question... where are my friends when I need to talk? Maybe I just don't let my feelings out enough. I'm always keeping them inside so that I can be the strong person in the group. I know it's not good for my mental health, but I feel like I have to do so. If I don't, something bad will happen, like I'll say something I'll regret, or tell people how I really feel when they're being stupid and doing stuff they know they shouldn't. (I'm not talking about anyone, just general examples.) All throughout high school and even now, if a friend needs advice on something, I'm the one they come to. No one ever asks if I need advice on something, or how I'm's really kind of depressing sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if I should become a psychiatrist...or a bartender. Both make good money and are known for listening to other people's problems.

Anyway, enough self pity for one night.

1 comment:

Katie Mo said...

hey you.
you know that's a load.
talk to me! i might be selfcentered, but if you remind me not to be, i hear i'm a pretty good listener ;)

also, i suggest going with the psychiatrist job; because then you won't end up smelling like smoke and beer all the time, and also you have less chance of getting hit in a barbrawl.

see you tomorrow!