Saturday, February 19, 2005

First time for everything

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, today was probably one of the the worst days I've had that didn't involve someone close to me dying.

First, at worship band practice, the amp (the thing that powers the sound equipment, for those who don't know) blew. This was no big deal, because we have two older ones that I could use, so I set up a temporary fix using a smaller sound board and the two older amps. It was just a hassle to have to disconnect everything and reconnect everything. I figured the amp would blow eventually, as it's being used for something it wasn't originally designed to be used for. Several electric guitars and bass guitars running through it at various times when it was meant for just merely microphones and CD tracks just did it in. I tried to get the financial committee to let us buy new sound equipment to eliminate this problem from the the start, but they turned us down. Can we say "I told you so"?

Then I come home, everything fine for the next day, when my roommate, who's our piano player, comes home and tells me he's taken the little sound board for the keyboard in the new sanctuary and that we can just plug the amps into the big soundboard in the old sanctuary. So I put my shoes on and head back up to the church (it's about 9:30 pm).

I'm driving along to church, going a little over the speedlimit because I'm in a bad mood, and I get pulled over. My first speeding ticket ever. So now my day has gotten worse. (It's at this part of the story where I tell Dr. Copeland that I need to leave choir practice early on the 15th of March because I have to be at court at 3:oo pm.) So after I get my ticket, I continue on to the church, which is just 2 minutes from where I got pulled over.

I get to the church, and not only has Phil (my roommate) taken the sound board, which is fine, but he's taken just about all my cables that I need to connect the guitars and bass to the sound system. So now I have to run between three buildings searching for enough cables to use, ending up with the bare minimum, (not to mention having to disconnect and reconnect things again).

So now I'm home, dreading telling my parents about the ticket. I know I'm gonna get yelled at, but hey, it's my first one in the five years I've been driving. Other people I know have gotten multiple tickets in one week, so they really can't complain. Maybe tomorrow will be better. At least I hope it will.

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